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what causes bad breath how can you cure it

What Causes Bad Breath & How to Cure It

Having bad breath – an unpleasant odour in your mouth – is a condition that close to 25% of the world’s population suffers from. It is a highly personal issue for many people since having bad breath can make them feel uncomfortable in social situations. There are several causes of this condition including poor oral hygiene habits and other illnesses. In this article, we speak about what causes bad breath and which treatments are recommended by your Winnipeg dentist to prevent and also cure this condition.


  • Poor oral hygiene

The most common cause of bad breath is poor oral hygiene habits. What makes you have bad breath is mostly the sulphur compounds produced by leftover food or beverage particles in your mouth. You need to brush, floss and hydrate your mouth regularly in order to keep the odour away.

  • Diet

Your diet can contribute to bad breath in several ways. On a more simple level, there are certain foods that have a particular odour to them such as garlic, onions and some spices. When you eat these foods, the odour usually lingers in your mouth until you rinse it. Drinking coffee regularly may also cause bad breath since the caffeine reduces saliva production and slows down the natural rinsing process in your mouth. If you eat a high protein diet, that can also cause bad breath since proteins produce more sulphurous gases than other foods.

  • Smoking and alcohol consumption

Smoking cigarettes and other tobacco products is an obvious way to get bad breath. Consuming alcohol also largely contributes to this – apart from the odour alcohol naturally contains, it also dries the mouth and induces bacterial growth.

  • Digestive problems

Some people have bad breath as a result of digestive issues such as constipation and other bowel disorders. These issues cause acid reflux that is accompanied by an unpleasant odour.

  • Certain medications

There are many prescription medications out there that have bad breath listed as a side effect. This is because they usually cause the mouth to become dry.

  • As a symptom of other illnesses

If you suddenly notice your breath is lacking freshness, without any other cause, it can be a symptom of a more serious illness such as diabetes, liver issues, kidney problems and more.


  • Good oral hygiene

The first step to treating bad breath is practicing a consistent daily oral hygiene routine. This includes brushing your teeth at least twice a day – morning and night. Flossing to remove food particles in between your teeth is also important since brushing only cleans about 60% of the tooth surface. Make sure you brush your tongue as well since it can retain food particles and bacteria buildup.

  • Visit your dentist regularly

Even if you are confident about the way you clean your teeth, make sure you visit Winnipeg dental clinic at least twice every year for a professional cleaning to ensure optimal oral health and fresher breath.

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