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Understanding Tooth Extraction

Understanding Tooth Extraction: What to Expect Before, During, and After

Tooth extractions are common dental procedures that are done to remove a severely damaged tooth. Sure, the daunting experience can spike your dental anxiety, but learning about the process might change your perspective.

A dentist may only suggest tooth extraction if you have severe tooth decay, infection, advanced gum disease, broken teeth, or crowded teeth. With that said, this treatment is often advised as a final resort.

Before Extraction

Generally, the process will not drastically affect your daily life. However, there are cases where patients experience discomfort and pain during and after the surgery. Let’s see what steps a dentist follows prior to the procedure.

  • Consultation: Assessment of your tooth problem is the first and foremost step. Your dentist will use x-rays to understand your dental issues, structure, and essentials. Apart from this, another important step is reviewing your medical history to plan the procedure. It helps your dentist decide which medications they can provide you with. Lastly, they will explain the steps involved, offer you guidance, and address your concerns.
  • Preparation: Pre-procedure care is as important as the procedure itself. For example, certain medical conditions can impact your candidacy for dental sedation. Your dentist may also request you to stop smoking for a few days before your appointment. This is due to the tobacco that negates the effect of sedatives.
  • Planning for the Process: On the day of the procedure your dentist might request you to have a light meal or even fast. Also, don’t forget, for better care and results, request your friends to drive you home and rest for the day.

The Extraction Process

During the treatment, your dental team will ensure that you are well looked after. Our skilled dentist understands how to tackle dental anxiety so patients feel comfortable and have a positive experience.

  • Anesthesia: Dental anesthesia helps you have a pain-free experience. You may feel a bit of pressure, but that’s it.
  • Tooth Extraction:There are two ways this procedure can move forward depending on the complexity of your case. The duration of the procedure can span 20-40 minutes, again depending on the situation.
  • Simple Extractions: This means the tooth is not obstructed and has fully erupted above the gums. Your dentist uses an elevator and forceps to loosen and then remove the tooth.
  • Surgical Extractions: Typically encompassing wisdom tooth extractions, your dentist will make an incision into the gum tissue to better access the tooth, clear away any bone debris and then remove the tooth.

After the Extraction

Dentists often mentioned how people typically overlook aftercare. One should not ignore this phase of the treatment, as it can lead to complications and your mouth may not heal properly.

  • Pain Management: Different steps should be taken depending on the timeframe following your appointment.
  • Immediately After: Gauge helps control the bleeding, and ice packs control the swelling. Bite down the gauge and put an ice pack along your cheeks for relief.
  • 24 Hours Later: No smoking, prioritize rest, avoid peripheral activities, and avoid extremely hot and cold foods.
  • After 24 Hours: You will experience discomfort before carrying on with your daily routine; hence, the dentist provides you with over-the-counter pain management.
  • Oral Hygiene: After 24-hour care, you can brush your teeth. Gently wash your mouth with warm salts and be careful around the area of surgery.
  • Diet Restriction: No solid foods post-surgery; stick to soft foods for a few days. After a follow-up checkup, get advice from a dentist for solid foods.
  • Consistency in Follow-Up Appointments: Don’t skip follow-up appointments! Your dentist needs to monitor your healing and attend to your stitches if you have any.

For Better Oral Health Visit Our Dentist in Winnipeg

Here at Greenwoods Dental, we provide effective and safe tooth extractions. Our capable dental team will address all your concerns and guide you through the process so you feel prepared. We will also ensure optimum safety during, before, and after the procedure.

If you have further questions, or you’d like to book a consultation, please give us a call today. We look forward to working with you!

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