Laughing Gas as a Treatment Option

laughing gas in winnipeg

Laughing Gas as a Treatment Option

Many individuals suffer from fear of visiting the dentist, and laughing gas can be an effective treatment option to alleviate this anxiety. It may take their courage to make that appointment and attend their visit. However, if a patient finds out they may need a dental procedure done, it can be crippling. Dentists, who understand this is a genuine concern for people, have many ways to help ensure patients feel at ease when visiting them. One of the preferred ways Winnipeg dental clinics relax their patients is by using laughing gas.

Laughing gas, a safe and effective method, helps patients relax during procedures by reducing anxiety and subtly giving them the giggles. It is administered through a comfortable mask placed over the nose, so it does not interfere with any treatment in the mouth.

laughing gas near you

This method of relaxation is commonly used during a variety of different procedures and is safe for individuals to use when undergoing those procedures. To be sure, you will want to talk about this with your dentist before the procedure. Not all dentists are able to administer laughing gas so you will want to discuss the possibilities with your dentist beforehand. This should be part of the planning process so your dentist can learn more about your health and know if it is a good option for you. Greenwoods Dental does provide laughing gas for our patients when they do undergo specific procedures that may require it.



If you have a dental procedure coming up, like root canal therapy, a cavity filling, or tooth removal, talk with your Greenwoods Dentist about the possibility of using laughing gas. The use of this sedation can drastically help you through the process, allowing you to feel more relaxed so the dentist can efficiently work through the procedures.