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what you need to know about cosmetic botox

What You Need to Know About Cosmetic Botox

What is Botox?

Botox is a neurotoxin that is used cosmetically to remove wrinkles and fine lines by a temporary paralysis of facial muscles. It gives a smoother appearance to the skin. It is a minimally invasive substance that is a safe and effectively proven treatment for visible wrinkles especially on the forehead and around the eyes. If you are looking to utilise the cosmetic and aesthetic benefits of Botox, read on.

Is It Safe?

The toxin is used in extremely small doses for Botox treatments, which is proven to be very safe and effective for reducing and removing fine lines and wrinkles. Cosmetic Botox lasts about 3 to 4 months, which means you should not seek another treatment until this time has elapsed. If you go in for another treatment before seeing unacceptable amounts of muscle movement, you will be coming for another session prematurely.

How is it Used?

Botox treatment is done as an injection to the targeted areas where someone wants to reduce the appearance of fine lines. Most commonly treated areas include the corners of the eyes, the lines in between eye brows and the forehead. Apart from the cosmetic usage, Botox is also used to treat a several muscular conditions including eye twitching, different kinds of spasms, and some neurological conditions. It can also to stop excessive sweating in some people. Chronic migraines can also be treated with moderate use of Botox.

Preparing for Cosmetic Botox

Botox is not a surgical treatment, which is a common misconception among many. It is a minimally invasive, in-office treatment done by a professional. It does not need any especially prior preparations, but it is important to let the treatment provider aware of your medical history and if you have any allegories especially to certain medicine. Always make sure that you get the Botox treatments done by a licensed treatment provider with good recommendations. You may not be aware of this, but cosmetic Botox is offered at our Winnipeg dental clinic. Many Winnipeg dentists are certified to provide cosmetic Botox services to patients in need. To reduce any risk of bruising, avoid taking any blood thinning medication prior to the appointment.

What are the Areas of the Body You Can Use Botox on?

For cosmetic purposes, Botox is used mostly on the facial muscles that are prone to create wrinkles such as forehead and around the eyes. With the supervision of our Winnipeg dentist, Botox can be used in other parts of the body for medical problems, which include underarms to stop excessive sweating.

How Does Cosmetic Botox Work?

Botox is a drug that is prepared from botulin, which is a neurotoxic protein. Once injected, Botox has the power to block the nerve signals and also the muscle contractions in the area that it is injected. Due to the lack of movement in the area that Botox was injected, it also reduces the creation of new fine lines and wrinkles as well.

What are the Side Effects to Look Out For?

It is important that you understand that even though it is proven to be safe, Botox is a toxin that is injected to the muscles. Therefore, there can be mild to moderate side effects especially during your first Botox session. Other than the minor bruising and discomfort during the injection, you might notice some swelling and also drooping in the eyelid which will eventually fade away. Some people also experience a mild headache and fatigue after their first treatment.

What to Expect from Cosmetic Botox?

After you get the Botox treatment done, there is a healing period where you have to avoid touching or adding any kind of pressure to the treated area in order to prevent the toxin spreading to other tissues. You do not need special down time after the treatment, but it will take about a day or two for the treated area to heal. A single Botox treatment usually lasts up to 4 months. Cosmetic Botox is seen as a preventative measure for the formation of new fine lines and wrinkles, which is why many patients in their early and mid 20’s are seeking this treatment.

How much Does Cosmetic Botox Cost?

The cost of Botox can vary from one treatment provider to another including cosmetic dentistry practices. As an average, it is around $300-400 for one cosmetic Botox treatment by a licensed professional in your area. Since it is a cosmetic procedure, unfortunately, health insurances do not cover this treatment for patients. If you are interested in learning more about cosmetic Botox, and how it can help remove and reduce the formation of fine lines and wrinkles on your face, feel free to contact our Winnipeg clinic for more information.

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