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What Causes a Sore or Bumpy Tongue

What Causes a Sore or Bumpy Tongue

Do you know, your tongue is one of the most active muscles in your body? While tooth pain can oftentimes be persistent and difficult to ignore, the same can also be said for a sore or bumpy tongue? So what exactly causes this pesky problem? Your Winnipeg dentist has provided you with some of the most common causes of a sore or bumpy tongue.

Harm to the Tongue

If you have accidentally bitten or burned your tongue, sores or bumps may develop. Other harmful behaviours that can cause pain or discomfort include bruxism (teeth grinding or clenching).


Smoking or using other tobacco products poses many harmful effects on your overall health and oral health, such as oral cancer. Smoking can irritate your tongue’s tissue, causing your tongue to become sore.

Burning Tongue Syndrome

If you’ve finished menopause, you could be experiencing burning tongue syndrome. In which case, your tongue will feel like it is burnt, hence the name. It is important to visit your Winnipeg dentist for additional care.

An Irritated Papillae

Your tongue consists of tiny papillae, also known as taste buds. You may experience pain and swelling if these papillae become inflamed or irritated.

Medical Conditions

Certain medical conditions, such as diabetes, anemia, or canker sores can cause your tongue to become sore or bumpy.

If you have a sore or bumpy tongue, don’t panic. Typically, it isn’t a reason for concern. You can easily treat the problem and in many cases, it will fade on its own. With that said, if your tongue is sore or bumpy for longer than a week, visit your Winnipeg dentist to determine the cause.
