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the a z of dental bridge treatment

The A – Z of Dental Bridge Treatment

Losing a tooth can be a stressful experience. Your mind may wander with questions like, will they be able to replace the tooth? Will my smile ever look natural again? Is it going to be painful? These are all fair questions your Winnipeg dentist would be happy to answer, but first, read the information below about dental bridge treatment and all your questions may be answered.

What is a Dental Bridge?

Dental bridges are formed by creating a bridge for a missing tooth within your mouth. First, a false tooth is created that will fill the space of the missing tooth. This false tooth will be shaped and coloured to blend in perfectly with the surrounding teeth.

Then two crowns are made. These crowns are formed to fit over each of the teeth neighbouring the missing space. Crowns are formed by filing down the tooth then taking an impression of the area. The impression is then sent to a lab where the tooth can be created. Once those three pieces are created they are all connected to each other to form a bridge for the missing tooth.

The crowns on each end of the dental bridge will be secured over the neighbouring teeth. Allowing the false tooth in the center to blend in perfectly with its surroundings. There is little recovery time following the procedure. Once your Winnipeg dentist has permanently set the bridge, you will be able to go about your daily activities as you normally would.

The Pros of a Dental Bridge

To understand dental bridges a bit better it helps to understand the pros and how getting a dental bridge at your Winnipeg dental clinic can help benefit your lifestyle:

  • No surgery necessary
  • Treatment is much faster and simpler than dental implants
  • Less expensive option
  • Allows for a natural-looking smile
  • If maintained well, can last anywhere from 10 – 15 years
  • Secure option with little to no movement
  • Little recovery time

The Cons of a Dental Bridge

While the benefits of dental bridges can make anyone ready to get started, at our Winnipeg dental clinic, we think it is important to understand the cons in order to make the best decision for your dental health:

  • Smaller lifespan, requiring maintenance at some other point in the future
  • Increased risk for gum disease and tooth decay since dental bridges may be more prone to plaque buildup if a patient does not practice good oral hygiene habits
  • Patients may need to take extra oral hygiene care
  • Healthy teeth surrounding the gap of the missing tooth will need to be filed down in order to create the bridge
  • A bridge is a permanent fixture in the mouth once it has been placed

Receiving a dental bridge can be a fairly quick process and it is a good thing too! Trying to get through simple day to day tasks without a tooth can be incredibly frustrating and destroy a person’s self-confidence. Take control of your oral hygiene and speak with your Winnipeg dentist about receiving a dental bridge. For any kind of dental issue book an appointment with dental doctor in Winnipeg.

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