Five Ways to Keep Your Smile Healthy

Five Ways to Keep Your Smile Healthy

We all know that we need to floss and brush each day to keep our smiles healthy, but people can do many other things to ensure their teeth remain strong and healthy for years to come. In this blog post, our team at Greenwoods Dental tells you some of our best tips for maintaining a […]

Essential Facts About Teeth You Should Know

Essential Facts About Teeth You Should Know

It may sound cliché to echo the fact that your teeth vary in shape and size, depending on where they are positioned in the jawbone. Nonetheless, these differences allow teeth to carry out their different functions. Teeth help us in many natural functions including chewing, pronouncing different sounds, and shaping the face. Without a doubt, […]

A Guide to Achieving a Great Smile

A Guide to Achieving a Great Smile

Many people want to know the secret to having a great smile, without realizing that the information has been out there for decades now. To have healthy teeth and a beautiful smile, you need to have good oral hygiene. It sounds simple but there are specific things we can do. This way, we’ll be making […]

What Causes Bad Breath & How to Cure It

What Causes Bad Breath & How to Cure It

Having bad breath – an unpleasant odour in your mouth – is a condition that close to 25% of the world’s population suffers from. It is a highly personal issue for many people since having bad breath can make them feel uncomfortable in social situations. There are several causes of this condition including poor oral […]

What Is Oral Thrush & How to Get Rid of It

What Is Oral Thrush & How to Get Rid of It

When a yeast infection develops on the inside of your mouth or tongue, this is referred to as oral thrush. Other terms for this include, oral candidiasis, oropharyngeal candidiasis, and thrush. Oral thrush is caused by the Candida albicans fungus. A small, harmless amount of this fungus is naturally found in your mouth. However, if […]

What You Should Know About Tooth Sensitivity

What You Should Know About Tooth Sensitivity

Do your teeth heart when you eat ice cream? What about when you drink coffee or tea? Tooth sensitivity is discomfort or sudden, sharp pain that can travel into the nerve endings of your teeth. It occurs when you eat or drink hot, cold, sweet and sour foods and beverages or breath in cold air. […]

Why Are Comprehensive Oral Exams Important?

Why Are Comprehensive Oral Exams Important?

When it comes to good oral health, preventative measures are extremely important. In fact, a large area of dentistry is dedicated to preventative treatments and measures. Your Winnipeg dentist will always advise you on taking preventative measures before restorative measures such as dental implant surgery, dental bridges, and root canal therapy. If you practice good […]

Home Remedies for a Toothache

Home Remedies for a Toothache

Tooth pain can be unbearable, especially when facing a sudden toothache and jaw pain that disrupts your daily life. Whether it’s that nagging discomfort in your jaw or a sharp dental pain pulsing through your mouth, finding immediate relief is essential. While visiting a dentist is always the best option for long-term solutions, there are […]

What Causes a Sore or Bumpy Tongue

What Causes a Sore or Bumpy Tongue

Do you know, your tongue is one of the most active muscles in your body? While tooth pain can oftentimes be persistent and difficult to ignore, the same can also be said for a sore or bumpy tongue? So what exactly causes this pesky problem? Your Winnipeg dentist has provided you with some of the […]

5 Reasons Why Infection Control is Important in Dental Offices

5 Reasons Why Infection Control is Important in Dental Offices

When you visit your Winnipeg dentist office you can surely expect a clean environment with plenty of sanitation routines and clean hands. While we all hope the dentist is using nice clean tools, why do they need to keep the entire office so clean? Here are 5 reasons why it is so important for dentists […]