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A Guide to Achieving a Great Smile
A Guide to Achieving a Great Smile

A Guide to Achieving a Great Smile

Many people want to know the secret to having a great smile, without realizing that the information has been out there for decades now. To have healthy teeth and a beautiful smile, you need to have good oral hygiene. It sounds simple but there are specific things we can do. This way, we’ll be making sure our dental health is optimal. No one wants to deal with cavities, gum disease, or developing a terrible infection. Furthermore, complications from these can be as severe as having a heart attack or other circulatory issues. Therefore, we have compiled some useful tips to make sure your oral hygiene is at its best. We hope this will guide you towards achieving a great smile!

1. Use Dental Floss

Your toothbrush can’t get everything. Despite how annoying it might be to floss, it’s an instrumental part of the teeth cleaning process. A couple of extra minutes using your dental floss will help you go a long way. If you have doubts on how to use it properly, you can always go to a dentist near you and ask them to teach you the proper technique.

2. Brush Properly

Believe it or not, there’s a technique to flossing your teeth as well. You should start by creating a 45-degree angle between your gums and your teeth. The head of the toothbrush must be touching your gums. Then, you should move the brush upwards and downwards, and cover the entire external surface of your teeth. You can repeat this angle and motion on the inside area of your teeth. You shouldn’t forget about your tongue or the roof of your mouth. As they might tell you at a dentist’s office near you, that bacteria can also multiply there. These are parts that are often overseen and they might be the cause of future complications.

3. Say Bye to Cigarettes

Lung cancer is not the only type of malignancy that you can get from a long-lasting smoking habit. Beyond the esthetical impact, i.e. your teeth becoming yellowed, smokers are at greater risk of developing oral cancer. You might benefit from a deep cleaning with a dentist in Winnipeg if you’ve been a heavy smoker. Furthermore, people that smoke tend to chew gum or eat candies to mask the smell. This will make you even more likely to develop cavities.

4. Make Sure to Get the Nutrients You Need

Your eating habits are as important for your teeth as they are for the rest of your body. After visiting a dental clinic near you, you might find out that you’re deficient in important minerals such as calcium. Therefore, you can make sure you are getting a sufficient supply by drinking plenty of orange juice, fortified milk, and yogurt. If you’re a fan of vegetables, then broccoli might be your best ally. Don’t forget to try to make the most of those sunny days as it will help with your vitamin D absorption. Other essential vitamins that affect your dental health include B complex. Therefore, if you have a balanced and healthy diet, it’ll show in your smile.

5. Certain Beverages Are Best in Moderation

People say that too much of anything is bad for you and your dental health is not exempt from this truth! Certain beverages like alcohol and coffee can have a detrimental effect on your oral health. Pop can also cause similar damage. The reason is that these beverages are rich in phosphorus. Normal calcium metabolism interacts constantly with phosphorus; however, excessive amounts of this last mineral will cause dental damage. This is why if you visit a dentist near you, they will probably suggest you avoid these products.

6. Visit A Dentist Office Near You

Although life can get busy, you must go for regular checkups with your dentist in Winnipeg. They will make sure to perform a deep cleaning that will eliminate what the dental floss somehow missed. These appointments should take place at least twice a year. This is the perfect time to ask any questions you might have. Furthermore, you’ll probably get an X-Ray taken the first time you go. Remember that the position of your teeth might make you more prone to developing cavities. By taking an X-Ray, your dentist can properly observe the position of your teeth. This allows them to take the necessary preventive measures to avoid any sort of dental complication.
