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5 Cool Things You Did Not Know About Invisalign

5 Cool Things You Did Not Know About Invisalign

Are you thinking about getting orthodontic treatment to straighten your teeth? Well then you have most likely heard about Invisalign. This popular alternative to traditional metal or ceramic braces has some pretty amazing advantages that you may not already know. But first, what is Invisalign? Invisalign involves clear, smooth, and plastic aligners that gradually shift your teeth into their ideal positions. Patients do not have to stress about the same discomfort and self-consciousness of traditional orthodontic treatment either. So, without further ado, these are seven quick facts that might end up convincing you to seek this innovative treatment.

1. It is True; It Really is Virtually Invisible

Invisalign receives its name from the clear aligners–arguably the most popular feature. If you are wearing your Invisalign aligners, they will be almost impossible to detect. They are so difficult to notice that many celebrities who desired to straighten their teeth opted for this go-to solution. This includes A-list celebrities like Oprah Winfrey and Tom Cruise. For someone to notice your aligners, they will have to get super close and stare at your teeth.

2. Caring for Your Teeth Will Be Much Easier

Not only will you slip your aligners off to eat, but you will also remove them to brush and floss your teeth. With Invisalign, you can continue your regular oral hygiene routine just like you used to before seeking treatment. The same cannot be said for braces, on the other hand….

If you have braces, it will require time and practice to work around the wires and brackets to brush and floss. Not to mention, it will complicate your oral hygiene routine as you will be required to implement the use of special tools. Even if you are taking good care of your teeth while wearing braces, food particles will become easily trapped between and around your brackets. Eventually, poor oral care will result in cavities and gum disease. Oh, and if you want to be in and out of your dental clinic in Winnipeg, do not expect your dental cleaning to be speedy with braces…

3. No Foods Restrictions… You Can Eat Whatever You Want

If you have ever had metal or ceramic braces, then you know just how difficult it can be to resist your favourite foods. Let’s face it; you do not want to be the only one not eating popcorn at the movies or straying away from the snack table at a party. Plus, if you are wearing braces for a while, then you could be looking to resist all of these urges for years… years! That is of course unless you want all those chewy, crunchy or hard foods to break your wires or become trapped under your brackets. Not only is this an unsightly scenario, but it will also mean you need to schedule an emergency visit to your dental clinic in Winnipeg to remove the stuck-on food and have repairs made. Thankfully, there is Invisalign. Which allows you to eat everything you love and whenever you want. All you need to do is just pop out your aligners before you eat and place them back in when you are done eating or snacking. It looks like you will not have to say goodbye to bagels or corn on the cob after all.

4. Faster Treatment

Thanks to your custom made aligners and SmartTrack plastic, Invisalign treatment generally takes less time than traditional orthodontic treatment consisting of one-size-fits-all brackets and wires. If you cannot wait to see how beautiful your smile will look after treatment, you will not be waiting too long. Continue your healthy habits, and the results will speak for themselves.

5. You Will Not Need to See Your Dentist as Often

Although your dentist in Winnipeg loves to see you frequently, if you are not necessarily fond of having appointments all the time, then Invisalign is perfect for you. With Invisalign, all you will need to do is drop in every six weeks so that your dentist can monitor your progress. Your visit will be fast, and most importantly, there will be no painful adjustments required.

With braces, you will need to schedule monthly office visits for your dentist to make adjustments. This is not only time consuming but painful. After every regular tightening, you will have to adjust to the new level of tension in your wires.

Now is the time for you to enhance the appearance of your smile and improve your oral health. Are you interested in seeking Invisalign treatment? Schedule a consultation with your dentist in Winnipeg. He or she will be able to determine if you qualify.
