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Forget Looks, Why Else Should You Try Invisalign?

Forget Looks, Why Else Should You Try Invisalign?

There is nothing wrong with getting Invisalign in Winnipeg because you want to look better! Sometimes, we feel sheepish about making choices for cosmetic reasons, but there’s nothing wrong with making choices that boost your confidence, self-esteem, and attractiveness. But if you’re not persuaded and want some reasons to wear Invisalign that have nothing to do with what you look like, there are plenty of those, too. Here are just four such reasons.

Dental hygienists will be able to clean your teeth faster

Straighter and consistently spaced teeth stay cleaner all on their own. There are fewer nooks, crannies and overlapping areas where plaque, tartar, food particles, and bacteria can lurk and accumulate. Flossing and brushing straight and evenly spaced teeth also produces straighter teeth than brushing crooked and overlapping teeth. When you see the hygienist at your dentist’s office, your straighter teeth will pay off there, too. The tools used by your hygienist will be more likely to reach every surface of every tooth.

You’ll be able to speak more clearly

One of the most important aspects of making sounds is the shape of your mouth. Small changes to small aspects of your mouth can affect the position of your tongue, teeth, and lips. All three of those things combine with your breath to make all the sounds produced while speaking. Misaligned teeth can produce lisps or problems producing certain sounds. Straightening those teeth by getting Invisalign in Winnipeg will help you speak more clearly, naturally, and persuasively.

Invisalign treatment from a dentist in Winnipeg eliminates pain

Wearing an Invisalign aligner can ease muscle soreness in your face, jaw, and neck associated with misaligned teeth and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction or teeth grinding due to sleep bruxism. While Invisalign’s aligners are not the same as a night guard often used to treat sleep bruxism or TMJ dysfunction, the presence of the aligners can provide some relief and help to reprogram your muscles. Invisalign aligners won’t address underlying TMJ pathology which should be investigated by your dentist or physician, but can help to ease your symptoms.

They’ll fix your bite

Teeth are a huge part of your appearance and your attractiveness; we all know that. But they have important functions beyond their appearance, too. Teeth are essential to food processing and can only perform that important function by meeting properly while chewing. By “properly,” we mean evenly across all teeth with pressure equally distributed. If your upper and lower teeth do not meet directly, closely, and evenly, you may experience tooth pain and jaw pain and aches. You may also not be able to chew your food properly. While that may not seem like a big deal, pain while eating and improperly chewed food can affect your enjoyment of food, diet, weight, and general health. In fact, some people report that wearing Invisalign helps them to lose a few pounds because they have to clean their aligners every time they eat. It’s easy to do, but is a bit of an incentive to skip a few random snacks during the day.

Invisalign’s treatment program available from dentists in Winnipeg is often marketed as a cosmetic dentistry product and services. While getting Invisalign near you certainly does help achieve cosmetic goals, it also contributes to critical dental functions. Straight teeth are an important part of a healthy mouth. If you want to look and feel better, ask your dentist in Winnipeg if Invisalign is right for you. They’ll explain who is a good candidate for Invisalign and all the advantages of achieving straighter teeth while wearing Invisalign’s clear and removable aligners.
